Szanowni Państwo,Piotr Umiński
Zwracam się do Was prośbą o pomoc w promocji naszego konkursu
plastycznego poświęconego rocznicy odzyskania niepodległości poprzez
umieszczenie informacji na stronie internetowej lub w gazecie.
Proszę o tą pomoc, aby informacja o naszych dziejach dotarła do młodych
Z góry dziękuję za życzliwość.
Z wyrazami szacunku
Through you, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to invite art school
students to participate in the 5th International Biennale of
entitled 'The beginning and the end'. This edition is dedicated to the
great turning point in the history of Europe, that is to World War I.
The old order was changing, releasing the desires of the nations to be
free. One of such nations, Poland, had been dreaming of freedom for
120 years (1795 -Poland divided between its neighbors). The Polish
people could fulfill the desire about the Polish army and the
independence when their enemies were in conflict with each other.
Piłsudski's words 'To wake Poland up to its resurrection with war
started to be true. Poland's rebirth can be owed to its well-known
heroes, among others, to Ignacy Paderewski, Józef Haler, but also to
many unknown contributors. I would be very grateful if you could
encourage young people to participate in our competition.
With best regards,
Piotr Umiński
The headmaster of POSSP Włocławek.
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