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  • Parler APP for Android + install

  • Wiadomości ze świata.
Wiadomości ze świata.
 #1201  autor: Derek
Since all tech behemots decided to ban Parler here it is for adroid! We don't deal with apple - its a lost cause!
Skoro techonogiczne behemoty banują Parler - u nas jest! Na systemy android - apple sobie odpuścimy!
Wolność słowa ludzie!!!

Install APKPure installer and install it in your phone.
Zainstaluj poniższy plik APKPure na telefonie (Android).
(17.6 MiB) Pobrany 259 razy

Download Parler (2.6.10) XAPK:
Pobierz APK Parler.
(33.28 MiB) Pobrany 280 razy

Open APKPure - Click on ME Tab from bottom and Now Select App Management.
Tab on APK/XAPK Management tab and It will automatically scan all the downloaded .xapk packages and List it

Click on install and enjoy.

PS. Since google, tweeter , facebook and amazon all decided to ban it - lets have it.